Cатсн²² (in)sесuяitу / ChrisJohnRiley

Because we're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't!

DeepSEC: Wrap-up

Well DeepSEC has come and gone, but the memories will last. I managed to miss DeepSEC last year due to circumstances out of my control, but I’m so glad I managed to get to Vienna for the conference this year. It might not be as technical as DefCon, but DeepSEC had a good mixture of topics, and didn’t fail to deliver some unique and thought provoking content. The speakers where also very interactive, which is always a big plus. I finally got to sit down and chat to a few people I’ve wanted to meet face to face for a while, so I’m more than happy. DeepSEC is definitely on my 2011 conference list now! Hope to see you there next year too…

Coverage can be found using the following category –> DeepSEC